This website is still a W.I.P, please stay tuned for updates!

I recommend doing a hard reset just to be sure and then look on the website (ctrl + F5)

What is this place

Woofwoof is my personal website, a hobby project which serves as a time capsule for myself and others. I've created this site to entertain, inspire, and share things with the world!

I am not that good with expressing and I don't really know if I even enjoy talking about myself. So if you want to know any useless stuff about me this is the site ! Although I don't post much now, the site's become a sort of amalgamation of all my interests and passions shoved into one place.

Note: If you don't like something about me or my website, don't start attacking me about it. This website is mainly for myself. Please understand that.

skelenby: create - collect

FAQ: How do I make a site like this?
I used Notepad++, as program because I find neocities thing very unclear and there are plenty of HTML tutorials to get you started with ! I simply only used Neocities to upload my site :)

But how did you learn HTML?
I started learning it in school, but you don't need school to learn HTML it is very easy! Just keep believing and you can do anything

Update Log
05/12/24 - Finished the special thanks !! yip ya yay

03/12/24 - I GOT MY WEBSTIE BACK, we're gonna grind it again yes yes yes!

10/06/24 - I finally found out why my blog page wasn't working (I wrote it with a capital letter...) Back at it again tho. 100% gonna change the whole layout when I can.

07/05/24 - For some reason I couldn't get this scrolling container right in CSS, but it's okay I suppose.
I don't really like how my home page looks like but further changes are always possible.